Friday, June 03, 2005

Wednesday Gets Tight

A falling market for US Open tickets is the only thing this Open has in common with Open's of years past. This year prices have fallen from higher highs and settled at higher lows and there are some interesting areas of tightness. Usually obtaining the Monday-Wednesday practice rounds is a walk in the park. This year the Monday is worth about what is always worth which is $5-$10, if you can get it. However, the Tuesday remains stable around $25 when the market for Tuesdays is usually around $10 and the Wednesday ticket is very tight. We looked around yesterday and were startled to see how few Wednesday tickets remained available on the open market. With the Wednesday supply vanishing fast I don't have to tell you what prices have done. Yes Virginia, they have gone UP! We are still able to pick them up on eBay in the $25-$35 range, but on the broker secondary market one could fetch upwards of $50 for the grounds tickets and as high as $80 for the Putterboy ticket. The Thursday ticket appears to be getting weaker with brokers selling the grounds for about $5 over face and the Putterboys around $5 below face. The Friday ticket is just slightly stronger than the Thursday, and the weekend tickets are holding up well commanding solid over face payment. Why Wednesday this year? Who knows what drives all the action is this business? All I know is that we took an unusually larger number of retail orders for Wednesday than we did any other day, and some of the other brokers I speak with say the same. You can check our current prices at

What is going on with NASCAR this summer? We are finding the going unusually slow. We are doing more advertising than ever and our prices seem to be competitive but the buyers are just not showing. The Sharpie 500 is good but not selling quite as fast as in years past, the Brickyard is about the same as ever and the rest of the summer schedule is very quiet. We are seeing almost no interest in either Michigan Race, Chicagoland, Poconos, Loudon, Daytona, etc. We have a site totally devoted to NASCAR tickets, you can check it out at

I read today that an Italian official says that Italy should have a referendum on dropping the Euro currency and going back to the Lira. France rejected the new constitution last week and the Dutch overwhelmingly rejected it this week. What is going on in Europe? The Euro continues to get pounded against the dollar which is the reverse last fall's trend. At last check the Almighty Dollar is up 10% against the Euro for the year, and 5.7% against the Pound Sterling. Getting long the dollar this year is proving to be a better bet than the stock markets which are slightly off this year but have been rallying as of late. The big winners of the year are the gutsy speculators in the Oil market; those who have been long Oil Futures this year have already racked up gains of around 25% in the NYMEX Crude contracts. There is a lot of talk by the skeptics that America can not sustain our growth and way of life because we are living on borrowed money, and time, thanks to our frothy bubble in the Real Estate market which of course is doomed to pop as did the NASDAQ bubble in March of 2000. The question I ask is if the money is to leave here, it must go somewhere, so where will it go? Many of our skeptics believe China is the destination because the growth rates there are unbelievable, and then there are those that believe the stability of Europe will be the home for all of the fleeing money. My theory on this is that as long as China is a semi-communist authoritarian regime with one of the most corrupt and fixed stock markets in the world big money will only allocate small amounts because while the rewards are high the risks are even higher. As far our friends in Europe, what can I say? The whole program seems to be falling apart. Then there is the question of who really wants to invest money in a place where the people do not want to work more than 35 hours per week, need 6 weeks or more of vacation per year, they have double digit unemployment with millions on the dole, most of the Euro states have flat or negative growth rates and negative population growth rates, seemed to have never had or at least lost any ideal of capitalism and the desire to make money, socialism and anti-americanism are the powers that be, and they seem to love tyrants like Iran that continue to lie to them? At the risk of sounding smug or pompous America is still the place and will continue to be the place. People from all over the world still want to come here everyday to escape the hopelessness of their home countries and come to the only place in the world where you can still make riches out of rags. We are the land of the free and the home of the brave. Americans are enthusiastic about work and making money and we laugh at those who only want to work 35 hours per week and have to have their six weeks of vacations. So here are your investment choices; (1) Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, (2) Bunch of Pussies, or (3) with a bunch of corrupt, communist bastards, that have proven through the long course of history they can not be trusted and will try to screw you at every turn? I am going to stick with choice number one for now, and then down the road there is always Costa Rica if things get bad here!

It has rained all week long here and rain is in the works for the weekend and beyond. This is bad for my fishing schedule. No one likes to fish in the rain, but some of us will do it. However, it is good to keep the snakes away and it is also good for our North Georgia trout streams which thrive on cool wet conditions in the summer. My spider bite is healing nicely and the swelling is all gone but my foot remains very red. We do not know what kind of spider got me but whatever it was it was nasty.

Until tomorrow – Adios!


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