Friday, August 05, 2005

Early Indications

Nobody is selling rooms, nobody is selling tickets. It is now August 5th, the first pre-season football games will be played this weekend and we still have yet to sell a Super Bowl ticket. This is highly unusual. We normally sell a few right after the last Super Bowl is over and then a few more during the early summer and around the start of training camp. This year we have sold none. I just did something I said I would not do, which was to lower our prices on Super Bowl tickets. We are still not the lowest priced broker in the universe but like I always say to those looking at the lowest price, "you get what you pay for and sometimes that is nothing." I did not lower our prices dramatically, but I lowered them just slightly. We will see if things start to pick up here once the season gets underway.

We are also still getting quite a few calls from people who want to unload hotel rooms which is another bad sign. Hell, it was this early last year that a panic started to ensue around the lack of hotel rooms in Jacksonville.

The Falcons will get it on with the Colts tomorrow morning at around 5am EST. In case you did not know the game is in Tokyo.

Thanks again to John Poggendorf for writing our blog for us yesterday. He did a fine job yesterday even though we may disagree with his assessment on the Auburn/LSU matchup. However, I do agree with John the USC will run the table and play for all the marble in the Rose Bowl. My brother-in-law, Matt Bruder, has been working for us this summer while on break from High School and he read John's blog and disagreed with the USC theory. Matt believes that Arizona State will beat the Trojans, and he believes it so strongly that he bet me $10 that USC will not play in the Rose Bowl. We went ahead and priced out the Rose Bowl yesterday and put up a page on our web site. You can check it out at

Until tomorrow - Adios!


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