Friday, August 26, 2005

Double Conspiracy?

I had an interesting thought the other day while I was in my smaller office with the white chair. I was thinking about how watching Cindy Sheehan, Howard Dean, and the rest of the Democratic Party continue their slide into oblivion was in a large part connected to the mega powerful 3.3 Million Member Moveon.Org. For those of you who still believe the lie that the Republicans are the party of the rich you ought to take a look at the braintrust behind, it's kind of like looking at the Forbes 400 list. Anyway, is very radical and a bit anti-American to say the least and I was thinking how great it is that they came about because as long as they are around and are influencing the Democrats the left will continue to run as fast as they can from mainstream America and will fast become irrelevant as a national party. So I got to thinking about this and all of sudden I said, "Wa-La."

Just maybe! Just maybe! was actually started by a bunch of very smart Republican double secret agents? Just maybe! Maybe, they said, "hey - we can finally destroy the Democratic Party forever and ever!" So these smart guys decided to run with their idea and they went and got the richest leftists they could find including our good friend George Soros and his buddy John Sperling and conned them into believing their aim was true! George grabbed the idea and started to pour his body, soul, and money into it thinking "we can finally destroy the Republican Party forever and ever!" The problem is that George and John are so rich that they are completely out of touch with what America is and what normal American people are like so it never occurred to them the end result of their actions would be to actually destroy forever the message they so cherished, the message of liberalism.

Howard Dean and Cindy Sheehan are perfect examples of just exactly how this destruction is taking place. The reason these wacko's are so angry with the President and his administration is the Republicans don't even take them seriously anymore. How could you?

You can look at Cindy and tell she is mad. You can listen to the tape of Howard Dean's blood curdling scream and tell that he is mad.

The only way the Democrats will be able to win in the next cycle will be to distance themselves from and Howard Dean. Will they do it? I don't think so. I think the Democrats have effectively places themselves in a car with no breaks going down a steep hill with Howard Dean at the steering wheel, and Cynthia McKinney, George Soros, and Cindy Sheehan all trying to take the wheel from him.

We here at Alpha Tickets are all hoping that Dick Cheney will run and mainly to see Helen Thomas off her self in a public way and to see the rage of the left finally go over the cliff at the bottom of that steep hill.

Until tomorrow - Adios!


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