Friday, August 19, 2005

I must be maturing

I just want everyone to know that I have exercised considerable restraint from weighing in on the Cindy Sheehan story. I am sure that most of my readers can guess that I place her in the same group as Tom Cruise, and Terrell Owens. In this case I have restrained only because she is a Mother who has lost her son. Of course her leftist inspired lunacy and rantings at the President have made me almost go over the edge on a daily basis but still I remain silent.

I do have one vent in general at Ms. Cindy,, and all of the other lemmings following the leftist movement without clue.

If this war in Iraq is a war for oil then why in the hell am I paying $70 to fill up my wife's car and close to $50 to fill up mine?


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