Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Average actor becomes moron

Tom Cruise, a small man, has been in the news more than his fair share lately. There are several story lines to follow with the most vivid being his recent engagement to the lovely Katie Holmes. Tom had his moment on Oprah where he made a fool of himself professing his love for Katie. Tom, I was very proud of you at that moment. Tom also decided to go public about Brooke Shields use of the anti-depressant Paxil to combat her bouts with post-partum depression. I guess Tom has ovaries and feels he knows a little about post-partum depression now. Then the little man goes ballistic on Matt Lauer's program about prescription drugs and Psychiatry, etc. Tom is a Scientologist and Scientologists do not believe in Psychiatry or drugs as a treatment for anything, what they believe in is a self help cult that is slowly bilking its members out of every penny they have.

Scientology provides a deep well of incredibly comical stuff, I'll just mention the bit I found most hilarious. It involves a guy named Xenu.
According to Wikipedia: "In Scientology doctrine, Xenu is a galactic ruler who, 75 million years ago, brought billions of people to Earth, stacked them around volcanoes, and blew them up with hydrogen bombs. Their souls then clustered together and stuck to the bodies of the living, and continue to cause people problems today."
The details of the story are outrageously funny. For giggles, search for "Xenu" on linkWikipedia.org. Or just check out the web page "operation clambake", at

I think the fact that little Tom believes in this Scientologists version of creation is testament to what little brainpower he has. We are estimating Tom's IQ to be somewhere around 105, which is smart enough to memorize lines and make nice facial expressions but well below genius. Hell, even some IQ expert put a number on the President's IQ and John Kerry's during the campaign and they both came in the mid 120's.

Katie Holmes may be beautiful, but Tom is an idiot.

Shut up little man.

Until tomorrow - Adios!


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