Wie Wie and the Masters

Michelle Wie is taking the golf world by storm this week playing in the Men's Amatuer Public Links tournament in Lebanon, OH. She has already advanced to the quarterfinals and traditionally the Masters invites the winner of this tournament to play in their event each year. Hootie Johnson, Chairmen of Augusta National, says that the club will welcome Wie or any other female that qualifies. Wie is going to be a Junior in High School this fall and may find herself being the first female to ever compete in the Masters come next April. I wonder if the Masters will provide any distraction to her school work?
If Wie gets in the Masters what will become of prices for badges? I am not sure it will be like Tiger's feaux grand slam event, but I do think there will certainly be a lot of added interest and the media will whip everyone into a frenzy. Heaven forbid, if Ms. Wie makes the cut and is challenging on Saturday and Sunday at the least the weekend badge rentals should be hot.
Good luck Michelle!
Until tomorrow -Adios.
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