
A few years ago there was a notable war of words in the mainstream media between writer and producer Michael Moore and his arch nemesis Ann Coulter. At the time they had both released new books, Mr. Moore's, "Stupid White Men," and Ms. Coulter's, "Slander." For those of you who need to be illuminated, Slander was a rant on the left wing dominated mainstream media, and Stupid White Men was an indictment on President Bush and all of the powerful evil elite white men that surround him and how they control everything. My Mother-in-law's husband, John Gault is a big fan of Michael Moore and a big hater of President Bush. John and I tend to argue about politics quite a bit when the family gets together and we were together when these books came out. I attempted to make the "credibility" argument with John that Ms. Coulter attended Cornell, one of the finest colleges in the country, and also graduated from the University of Michigan Law School and was editor of the Michigan Law Review therefore I felt she had more credibility than Mr. Moore who never attended college and based on what I have read may or may not have completed high school. Of course I forgot I was dealing with a hardcore liberal, and hardcore liberals hate to accept fact and instead like to distort reality into lies that themselves really believe to be true. John just kept telling me that Michael was a genius who spoke the truth and that Ms. Coulter was a moron. I did try to point out that Mr. Moore's movies about Columbine and Roger and Me were both totally discredited as being full of half truths and innuendo but again to no avail. As far as John's credibility is concerned, he believes that President Bush perpetrated the 9/11 tragedy and killed thousands of innocent Americans and that pretty much says it all.

Now I seem to be witnessing the same sort of match of wits between a half wit and another beautiful and intelligent lady. Yes I am blogging about Mr. Cruise again. Mr. Cruise and Brooke Shields have been fighting a war of words in the MSM(mainstream media) for several weeks now with the latest being that Mr. Cruise wanted to make amends and be friends but as of today it appears that Brooke wants nothing of that. We no for a fact that Tom is both dyslexic and a High School dropout, and we know for a fact that Brooke attended and completed schooling at one of our nation’s finest Universities, Princeton. Now of course some of you may be saying that I have laid out a compelling argument that Ms. Shields and Ms. Coulter are smarter than there opponents but that does not equate into being more credible because smart people do lie. What I am saying is that in both cases we are dealing in subject matter that someone with the fine ladies education would definitely grasp and have more experience with. The Cruise/Shields war is only words, but in the Coulter/Moore fiasco we had books to deal with and Ms. Coulter's was meticulously footnoted showing that she had done her research while Mr. Moore's did not include similar documentation for his so called research.
All Star Game tickets are still holding tight with get-ins around $450. We will be up there next week and willing to take all consignments and work to fill any orders you may have.
Everyone have a great 4th of July weekend. I will work as I always do and ignore the holiday but you all can go enjoy it for me.
Until Tuesday - Adios!
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