Bloggers Go Crazy For Cruise

I encourage everyone to go to Google and type in, "tom cruise is an idiot." There are close to 250,000 returns. Sarah tells me that all of the radio stations she listened to in on her way in to work this morning were hammering home the same message that seemingly thousands of bloggers are, TOM CRUISE IS AN IDIOT. Tom is a dyslexic high school drop out and now he wants to lecture the world!
I read that Katie's parents are not too happy about her engagement and recent conversion to Scientology. I love the capitalist spirit of our country because someone has already created some merchandise and a web site where you can buy it. We hope that you all will throw some financial support to
Wow! It is easy to get off track when you have actors totally showing the world how stupid they are.
Major League Baseball All Star Game Tickets are still holding up pretty well. It will be interesting to see what happens to the market next week. If there are truly a lot of orders out there then next week we should see the market edge up a bit. It is always possible that we will see more supply come on the market and if that supply is larger than the demand that the remaining orders bring the market should soften.
I received an inquiry yesterday from one of our customers about Live 8 tickets in London. I immediately checked the broker secondary market because there were brokers accepting pre-orders for the tickets at $900 each last week for delivery the day of the event somewhere near Hyde Park. I was amazed that not only were there no brokers accepting pre-orders but that the entire listing for Live 8 had been removed from the market. Maybe Sir Bob has been pressuring some of the American Broker-to-Broker networks also. For the life of me I still can not figure out why eBay succumbed to the pressure and why anyone else would. I just don't see that Sir Bob had anything on eBay that would make them give it up. I did check for London and found lots of Live 8 tickets going for somewhere around 600 Pounds per pair.
I have also been following the situation in England in regards to ticket touts very closely. It seems to me that the combination of the Live 8 fiasco and Wimbledon happening around the same time has been more than the anti free market forces could withstand. The anti touting crowd in England has been whipped into a frenzy. I read that there have been injunctions against around 28 different companies for selling Wimbledon tickets over the internet. The leadership of the four sports(Rugby, Football, Cricket, and Tennis) have petitioned the government to make it illegal to re-sell tickets for all sports. It is currently only illegal to re-sell football tickets in England. They also want a higher penalty for violations of this law and argue that the current 500 pound penalty for reselling football tickets is not high enough is so small that it is merely a nuisance to the touts and does deter them from breaking the law.
I continue to find it amazing that Europe and now England are running very fast in the opposite direction that we seem to be running. There have been several major pro ticket broker breakthroughs in America just in the last two months. Meanwhile across the pond they are trying as hard as they can to make it difficult for the touts using both the law, RFID technology, and named tickets.
I will go on record with a prediction. If the English courts decide to make it very difficult for the touts we will see a lot more British touts running around on the streets of America. This business is too profitable and too necessary for them to give it up. I say let them come over here and create profitable companies that create jobs and tax revenues for our State and Federal Governments.
Until tomorrow - Adios!